DNGMonochrome converts color DNGs into full-blown monochrome DNGs. Mainly developed for Leica, DNGMonochrome can also handle DNGs from Ricoh (GR III and GR IIIx), Sigma (fp and fp L) and Pentax (K-1, K-1 Mark II, K-3 Mark II, K-3 Mark III and 645Z) and from selected Canon, Nikon, Sony, Fujifilm and Olympus cameras if you first convert the RAW file to DNG.

DNGMonochrome does not support all cameras. See the camera list a bit further down. If your camera is not on that list, converting the RAW to DNG will not help.

DNGMonochrome is designed on and for Windows 10 & 11, but also works fine on Windows 7 (most likely also on Vista / Windows 8, but was not tested on those platforms).

The monochrome result DNGMonochrome produces (when no filters are used), is based on the luminance portion of the sensor, under the assumption that interpolating based on luminance, without full color interpolation, leads to better results (resolution, sharpness, color noise) than a color interpolated result turned black & white. If this assumption is actually correct is still open for debate - let me say that after developing by now many iterations of this software, I have my doubts. I do like the end result from a purist point of view though, knowing for sure it's the closest I can get to a 'true' monochrome result from a color camera.

For the full back story and a more technical explanation of the ins and outs, have a look here.

In addition, DNGMonochrome can also interpolate directly on the red or blue channel and use these results - mixed in with the regular luminance result - to create filter effects.

DNGMonochrome offers several algorithms for interpolation, an extensive module to battle green divergence, and can interpolate selections of the photo with different algorithms (yes, you can interpolate one photo with one, two, three or four algorithms, all in the same photo - I do believe that's a first and a bit nutty).

DNGMonochrome uses the same viewer as used in Falaphol. It means you can zoom in and out (up till 800%), move the photo around, and overall get clear view of the conversion.

On the sliders

The brightness and contrast sliders at the bottom of DNGMonochrome are purely visual and only work on the preview image. Changes you make with them are not stored in the DNG. The histogram also doesn't react to them. They are reset to neutral when you start a new conversion.
The sliders on the right (color filtering, highlight recovery and noise reduction) are stored within the DNG. So if you make changes with any of those sliders and do a new save, the underlying raw data will have changed.
As a rule of thumb: changes you make on the right are saved in the monochrome DGN. Changes anywhere else in the program (bottom or top left) are purely visual and have no effect on the saved monochrome DNG.

On compression

Some cameras use an optional compression scheme for their RAW files, notably the Leica M8 and Leica M9. I'm not talking about the regular compression within the DNG itself (usually lossless JPEG), but a scheme to e.g. store the image data as 8-bit and expand it to 14-bit later on. This compression is not lossless. DNGMonochrome uses a decompress routine for these cameras. After DNG (Adobe) came with its own lossless compression scheme, Leica stopped using theirs and I thought this method now belonged to the past. However, quite recently, I discovered Nikon (in the D850) uses the same procedure. They store the image data as 12-bit and expand it to 14-bit. Same method as the aforementioned Leicas. Of course, the better JPEG DNG compression by Adobe doesn't float Nikons boat, because they do not write DNG, but NEF files. Another reason manufacturers offer this option (I recently discovered in reviews of the Leica SL3) seems to be processing speed. I'm pretty sure this is an in-camera setting and can be turned on or off, since most of the D850 test DNGs I have, are not compressed.

If DNGMonochrome processes a compressed DNG, without decompressing, the result will be way too dark. To tackle this problem - of me not knowing which cameras support this type of compression - I have implemented a bit of a generic fix (since version 1.3.1) in the Settings of DNGMonochrome. See the option 'Process linearization-table when one is present'. For the Leica M8/M9 and Nikon D850 this setting isn't necessary anymore, since those cameras (and DNGs) I know about and work properly. Use this option only on any other supported camera that might compress DNGs (after conversion of your native file to DNG), if you're sure the resulting monochrome DNG is too dark. If the histogram is shifted too much to the left, you can try the new setting. If you really want to make sure, import the monochrome DNG and the color DNG in e.g. Lightroom, and compare the histograms. If it's a compressed DNG that was processed wrongly by DNGMonochrome, the histogram of the monochrome DNG will be shifted severely to the left. These dark DNGs can still be lifted, by shifting the white point in your converter to the right. The results will then be as they should be, but it's not what DNGMonochrome should produce. If the linearization setting doesn't help, shoot me an email, with the DNG somewhere available for download, and I will investigate.

On noise reduction and sharpening

The effect of red and blue noise reduction in DNGMonochrome is minimal. It's very difficult to see, unless you have used the color filters. Not illogical, since the reds and blues are replaced by greens. However... all the algorithms (LMMSE especially) - except Bicubic - do use the red and blue plane to determine what the greens should be on a red or blue sensel. So despite red and blue being scrapped in the end, they aren't useless to the algorithms (and thus noise reduction on red and blue can have an effect). Noise reduction on the luminance has a bigger effect. But realize: once the noise reduction is baked into the conversion, you can't get rid of it in your RAW converter. So I would advise handling the luminance noise reduction in your RAW converter.
There is no sharpening in DNGMonochrome. That's really something for your RAW converter. Just be aware that these conversions seem to fare better with less sharpening than a color DNG. I noticed the default settings for my color photos in Lightroom are usually too high for the monochrome conversion.

Supported cameras

DNGMonochrome currently supports native DNGs from:

o Leica M8
o Leica M9
o Leica M (typ 240 / 262)
o Leica M-D (typ 262)
o Leica M10
o Leica M10-P
o Leica M10-D
o Leica M10-R
o Leica M11 [only in the 64-bit version]
o Leica M11-P [only in the 64-bit version]
o Leica M11-D [only in the 64-bit version]
o Leica Q
o Leica Q2
o Leica Q2M [at special request, to be able to save the already monochrome DNG without lens correction]
o Leica Q3 [only in the 64-bit version]
o Leica Q3-43 [only in the 64-bit version]
o Leica S2
o Leica S (typ 006)
o Leica S (typ 007)
o Leica S3 [only in the 64-bit version]
o Leica SL
o Leica SL2
o Leica SL2-S
o Leica SL3 [only in the 64-bit version]
o Leica SL3-S
o Leica T
o Leica TL
o Leica TL2
o Leica CL
o Leica X Vario (typ 107)
o Leica D-Lux 8
o Pentax K-1
o Pentax K-1 Mark II [only in the 64-bit version]
o Pentax K-3 Mark II
o Pentax K-3 Mark III
o Pentax 645Z [only in the 64-bit version]
o Ricoh GR III
o Ricoh GR IIIx
o Sigma fp
o Sigma fp L [only in the 64-bit version]

And after converting the RAW files to DNG (e.g. with Adobe DNG Converter) also from:

o Leica V-Lux 5
o Leica D-Lux 7
o Canon EOS 250D
o Canon EOS 350D
o Canon EOS 400D
o Canon EOS 450D
o Canon EOS 500D
o Canon EOS 550D
o Canon EOS 30D
o Canon EOS 40D
o Canon EOS 50D
o Canon EOS 60D
o Canon EOS 70D
o Canon EOS 80D
o Canon EOS 90D
o Canon EOS 1D Mark II
o Canon EOS 1D Mark III
o Canon EOS 5D
o Canon EOS 5D Mark II
o Canon EOS 5D Mark III
o Canon EOS 5D Mark IV
o Canon EOS 5DS [only in the 64-bit version]
o Canon EOS 6D
o Canon EOS 7D
o Canon EOS 7D Mark II
o Canon EOS RP
o Canon EOS R10
o Canon EOS R8
o Nikon D1
o Nikon D2X
o Nikon D3
o Nikon D3X
o Nikon D4
o Nikon D4S
o Nikon D5
o Nikon D6
o Nikon D200
o Nikon D300
o Nikon D300S
o Nikon D600
o Nikon D610
o Nikon D700
o Nikon D750
o Nikon D780
o Nikon D800
o Nikon D800E
o Nikon D810
o Nikon D810A
o Nikon D850 [only in the 64-bit version]
o Fujifilm X-T100
o Fujifilm X-T200
o Fujifilm GFX 50R [only in the 64-bit version]
o Fujifilm GFX 50S [only in the 64-bit version]
o Fujifilm GFX 100 [only in the 64-bit version]
o Fujifilm GFX 100S [only in the 64-bit version]
o Olympus OM-D E-M5
o Olympus OM-D E-M5 Mark II
o Olympus OM-D E-M5 Mark III
o Olympus E-300
o Olympus E-500
o Sony A850
o Sony A900
o Sony A1 [only in the 64-bit version]
o Sony A7
o Sony A7C
o Sony A7C-II
o Sony A7C-R [only in the 64-bit version]
o Sony A7R [only in the 64-bit version]
o Sony A7R-II [only in the 64-bit version]
o Sony A7R-III [only in the 64-bit version]
o Sony A7R-IV [only in the 64-bit version]
o Sony A7R-IVA [only in the 64-bit version]
o Sony A7S
o Sony A7S-II
o Sony A7S-III

Once more to avoid confusion: DNGMonochrome only supports the cameras mentioned in the list above and does not support Canon, Nikon, Sony, Fujifilm or Olympus native files. You have to convert them to DNG first. Google 'Adobe DNG Converter'. And note that DNGMonochrome expects the full RAW (converted to DNG), not a downscaled version. Those are untested and if they work, you're lucky. Also, if your camera offers compression, compressed files converted to DNG might produce results in DNGMonochrome that look horribly underexposed. Scroll up a bit and read the paragraph 'on compression' on how to solve this.

All the monochrome DNGs converted from the cameras in the list were tested by me on DNG import in Lightroom. So I can guarantee the monochrome DNG works in at least one RAW converter. Your favorite RAW converter - other than Lightroom - might not be so cool. I have not tested any of the produced monochrome DNGs in any other converter.

You can also use Falaphol to view the monochrome and converted color DNGs. Falaphol can handle monochrome DNGs produced by DNGMonochrome, even if the camera wasn't a Leica, since version 1.7.0. And since version 1.8.0, Falaphol can also show your converted color DNGs for all the supported cameras (however, Falaphol usually runs a little bit behind in development... the color version of the DNGs from recently added cameras in DNGMonochrome might not yet be supported in Falaphol...).

If your camera is not on the list and you really want it to be, you can write me an email here on ememsoftware@gmail.com and file a request for it (please be specific about the camera type, brand, model etc.). I can't guarantee your camera will make the list, but I'll try.

A quick note on the Sony lens correction

This was a bit of a headache, because the conversion in Adobe DNG Converter (from Sony color RAW to color DNG) did seem to store the lens correction information in the expected exif tag (since Lightroom presents the converted color DNG with lens correction). But after some digging, it turns out the lens correction on the Sony cameras is a two step process: there's the small correction of the red and blue plane (to correct chromatic aberration - quite useless in DNGMonochrome), which is stored within the DNG exif, and then there's the bigger distortion correction (barrel, pincushion etc), which is stored as XMP tag in string format. More as a 'whomever might be interested in this'. Lightroom applies the chromatic aberration correction automatically (built in the DNG), but the distortion correction is only applied through switching on the lens profile (contrary to the Leica DNGs for cameras that use distortion correction... Leica stores that correction in the exif).
This is all fine, since the correction written in the XMP tag is similar - when applied - to the one applied by the lens profile. However, for some reason the monochrome DNG for Sony does not switch on the lens profile automatically in Lightroom (the color DNG does - but that might be a standard import setting on my Lightroom). That had me confused for a while. So please note that for lens correction to work on the monochrome Sony DNGs, you have to switch on the correct lens profile in Lightroom. I did experiment with writing the distortion information (from the XMP tag) directly into the Sony exif, together with the other lens correction information. That actually works too in Lightroom. The distortion correction is then applied immediately, but the vignetting correction isn't. And you can't apply the lens profile if the distortion correction is already applied, because then the photo gets really messy. So I decided to leave it like this.
Meanwhile, in Falaphol, which can now also handle these selected Sony DNGs, things are equally confusing. The older DNGMonochrome did not preserve the right XMP tag, necessary to apply lens distortion (remember, it's not in the exif to be automatically applied by the Adobe code). So only monochrome DNGs produced with at least version 1.1.0 (for Sony) will show with lens correction in Falaphol.

A final note: on rotation

Rotation (turning a portrait DNG so it presents properly) is a very nasty subject - I won't bore you with the details. Suffice it to say it's stuff of nightmares. Not the rotation itself, that's not that difficult, but to get it to work properly with the interpolation squares... that was almost not worth the effort. The previous version didn't bother and just presented you landscape, no matter what. In this new version I wanted that changed. Poor me. But since I couldn't find portrait test photos for all cameras in the list, portrait DNGs from a few cameras might give you trouble. If you do see strange stuff on rotated photos, shoot me an email, preferably with the DNG included. I also noticed not all Nikon cameras store a rotation tag (especially the older Nikons). From these cameras portrait photos will present as landscape and you have to rotate them manually in your RAW converter.

Further reading

If you want to read up on some more inside information (I do encourage you to do that, since especially the subject of green divergence can make or break the conversion) have a look here.


Coco in black & white, Leica M-D... after conversion...

Same as above but with a portion of the photo interpolated with a different algorithm (total photo with ACP, portion within the blue square with LMMSE)... note that on this scale you won't see the difference, nor was this very useful on this particular photo... just for screen shot purposes... The different interpolations within one photo are mainly useful on small portions, that look better with a different algorithm (e.g. highlighted parts), compared to the original algorithm.


Tokyo... Crab restaurant... Leica M9 with Summilux 50mm f/1.4...

Tokyo... On the steps of a temple... Leica M9 with Summilux 50mm f/1.4...

Hong Kong... Leica M9 with Summilux 50mm f/1.4... split tone processed afterwards...

Hong Kong... Leica M9 with Summilux 50mm f/1.4...

Malaysia... Leica M9 with Tele-Elmarit 90mm f/2.8...


DNGMonochrome 64-bit version 1.7.7.

DNGMonochrome 32-bit version 1.7.7.

[If possible select the 64-bit version, since not all cameras are supported in the 32-bit version, due to memory constraints. See the 'Supported cameras' above.]

Older version if the latest release doesn't work out for you...

DNGMonochrome 64-bit version 1.6.2. [newest is 1.7.7 above]

DNGMonochrome 32-bit version 1.6.2. [newest is 1.7.7 above]

Note to owners of a modified camera (bayer-filter removed): do not use the current DNGMonochrome to turn your now black & white DNG (still thinking it's a color DNG) into a monochrome DNG (as to avoid interpolation in your RAW converter), because DNGMonochrome will still interpolate the photo (it defeats the purpose of having your bayer-filter removed). You can try the old version (0.9.8) that's still available for download - scroll all the way down - but that one has very limited camera support.

Close a running DNGMonochrome before installing the new version, else installation will fail.

Since this software is mainstream nor downloaded a lot, your browser, OS and virus scanner might make it difficult for you to install DNGMonochrome. Since you have no reason to trust me or my website, my advice is to follow the instructions if you decide to ignore the initial Windows warning. For what it's worth: the software doesn't contain malware, spyware, adware or vague third party installers through sneaky check boxes like browser bars etc., and apart from the virus scanner on my own PC, this website is also under the watchful eye of a virus scanner, through the hosting of it.

Release 1.7.7 at 24 January 2025
o Adds support for the Leica D-Lux 8.
o Adds support for the Leica SL3-S. Be aware that the SL3-S (like the SL3) might be able to shoot in 12-bit mode (in stead of the more common 14-bit), in which case you need to turn on the setting to process the linearization table. If you don't, the 12-bit DNGs will turn out underexposed (see the paragraph 'On compression' above).

Release 1.7.5 / 1.7.6 at 22 December 2024
o Adds option to save the monochrome DNG as lossless compressed (see 'Settings'). This can save quite a bit of space on the larger DNGs.
o The preview text (under the thumbnail on the left) will now also mention the ISO speed of the selected DNG.
o Adds support for the Leica M11-P [note: this camera is only supported in the 64-bit version of DNGMonochrome].
o Adds support for the Leica M11-D [note: this camera is only supported in the 64-bit version of DNGMonochrome].
o Adds support for the Leica Q3-43 [note: this camera is only supported in the 64-bit version of DNGMonochrome].
o Adds support for the Canon EOS RP [note: photos have to be converted to DNG first].
o Adds support for the Canon EOS R10 [note: photos have to be converted to DNG first].
o Adds support for the Canon EOS R8 [note: photos have to be converted to DNG first].

Release 1.7.0 at 2 April 2024
This release is mostly a technical one, speeding up the essential processes by applying parallel processing...
o Speeds up the interpolation algorithms (VNG / ACP / ACPD / LMMSE).
o Speeds up the bitmap creation.
o Due to previous point, color filtering is now also faster.

Overall speed gain: factor 2 to 4 (unscientific estimate). Especially the LMMSE interpolation profits from this approach. It's still the slowest of the bunch, but on the larger DNGs it's now much more acceptable.

Due to the nature of the changes - and the possible bugs I didn't catch - the previous version will stay available for a while.

Release 1.6.2 at 10 March 2024
o Fixes the 50% subsequent save (using the black save-button) claiming it was reducing noise, even when the sliders for noise reduction were not used (it was not reducing noise in such a scenario, despite the claim).
o Fixes a possible crash on cameras that use lens-correction: the Adobe DNG code would throw a program error if the lens correction function was called with the content of the lens-correction-opcode set to effectively no lens correction (all variables being neutral), in stead of just proceeding. This might have led to errors on cameras that do use lens correction through this opcode, if that opcode was filled to do nothing.
o Adds support for the Leica SL3 [note: this camera is only supported in the 64-bit version of DNGMonochrome]. Be aware that apparently the SL3 can shoot in 12-bit mode (in stead of the more common 14-bit), in which case you need to turn on the setting to process the linearization table. If you don't, the 12-bit DNGs will turn out underexposed (see the paragraph 'On compression' above).

Release 1.6.1 at 28 December 2023
o Fixes a bug that manifested itself on five supported Canon models, where the interpolation squares did not behave as intended... the interpolation would be slightly off and color mixing would not work properly within the squares. The affected models are the Canon EOS 550D, 50D, 60D, 5D Mark II and 7D. This bug didn't appear on any of the other supported cameras. The technical explanation is that these Canon models have a slightly different CFA layout (they start with a blue row in stead of the more common red row). A compensation function that took care of the CFA positioning at some point in the development wasn't necessary anymore, now causing this bug. If you're not using the mentioned Canon models, updating from 1.6.0 to this version (1.6.1) does not add anything new.
o A very happy 2024 to all!

Release 1.6.0 at 9 December 2023

Version 1.6.0 introduces 'Highlight recovery'.

It's a new slider under the red and blue filters.

DNGMonochrome interpolates the photo using the luminance portion of the sensor. But as users quickly notice, despite the nice results, the highlights in the monochrome result clip much faster than in the color version. Where the color photo might still show detail, the monochrome result just shows a white blur (and no amount of pulling down the highlights will help). This is because the green sensels on the sensor overshoot their limit quicker than the red and blue sensels (the green ones are more sensitive to luminance). So if you use the green sensels to construct a monochrome photo - as DNGMonochrome does - you end up with the same problem monochrome cameras have: the areas that are clipped are lost for good. There's no information to recover, since it's not present in the luminance. In your color result, where you still see details in those areas, that detail is constructed from the red and blue information: green is clipped, but red and blue are not. Yes, you blew the highlights in the green! Without actually noticing it, because red and blue saved the day.

DNGMonochrome however isn't forgiving and exposes those blown bits.

But DNGMonochrome also has access to the red and blue information. That info was already being used for the red and blue RAW filtering. If you used those sliders on clipped monochrome results, you may have already noticed how those sliders (apart from filtering) can also recover the highlights. However, those sliders change the overall photo and its tonality.

Highlight recovery attempts to use the available red and blue information to reconstruct details in the clipped highlights, but it is limited to only the highlights. Other parts of the photo do not change in tonality (that is, if you keep the slider limited).

The success of this new feature does depend on the photo and how much red and blue is still available in the clipped areas. Don't expect miracles. Especially since besides green, blue and / or red can also be clipped. In those situations there's nothing (or very little) to recover. Only if you still see detail in the color version you have a chance.

The calculation is curved, with a fairly strong gamma curve, so only the highlights are changed in the beginning of the slider. This curve is then adapted, the further you slide, becoming more aggressive (all the way at the end it's almost linear). Meanwhile, the slider also adds more correction (more blue and red information if it's available) the further you go. So it's a bit of a dual function (more correction and more aggression in applying it). It means you can recover more detail and keep the side effects at bay longer if you keep sliding, but drawback is that more of the photo is touched and that at some point (usually when over 40%) it will start to visibly lose brightness.

A general warning: if you go over 50% with the slider, do inspect your result by zooming in. The effect can be too strong on some photos: recovering details but also showing side effects (sometimes quite severe and pretty ugly and sometimes in parts of the photo you are not focused on). If there's nothing to gain with recovery (e.g. nothing is clipped - look at the histogram), do not use the slider.

To be clear: this is not a regular 'lets lower the highlights'; red and blue are actively filtered at the top. That's why things can get ugly on some photos if you slide too far. It's also why you shouldn't use the slider if it's not necessary. Any work on non-clipped highlights should be done in your RAW converter.

The new slider is positioned under the red and blue filters, because if you filter, the highlights change. If you want to use all three sliders (or one filter slider and highlight recovery) you should do the color filtering first. Most likely highlight recovery then isn't necessary anymore.

Included here an example... without any additional editing... a test photo (no idea who took the shot, it isn't mine)... from a Canon EOS 60D. You see the building behind the deer being just a white blob.

Photo from a Canon EOS 60D... RAW file downloaded from this review of the camera...

Here's the photo after using 50% highlight recovery...

Photo from a Canon EOS 60D... RAW file downloaded from this review of the camera... 50% highlight recovery added...

Apart from the building losing its ultra whiteness, some nice details are recovered on the edges of the building and its chimney. This effect can not be achieved on the monochrome DNG in your RAW converter. Pulling down the highlights will only turn the building from white to less white, but those edge details will not show.

Release notes 1.6.0

o Introduces 'Highlight recovery'.
o Fixes 'Auto Save' claiming there were changes to save when switching conversions between landscape and portrait photos.
o Adds support for the Sony A7C [note: photos have to be converted to DNG first].
o Adds support for the Sony A7C-II [note: photos have to be converted to DNG first].
o Adds support for the Sony A7C-R [note: photos have to be converted to DNG first and this camera is only supported in the 64-bit version of DNGMonochrome].
o Adds support for the Sony A7R-IVA [note: photos have to be converted to DNG first and this camera is only supported in the 64-bit version of DNGMonochrome].
o Adds support for the Canon EOS 5DS [note: photos have to be converted to DNG first and this camera is only supported in the 64-bit version of DNGMonochrome].

Release 1.5.3 at 21 November 2023
o Fixes illogical flow when Auto Save was turned off: the Save button would stay disabled after additional changes were made to the conversion.
o Fixes crash that could occur after answering 'No' on the Save question when starting another conversion and then saving that new conversion (thanks to Per for helping out on the exact flow to reproduce this bug).

Release 1.5.2 at 20 November 2023
o Adds support for the Ricoh GR IIIx.
o Fixes unitialized variable that could randomly cause crashes in the bitmap creation.
o Fixes interpolation squares no longer presenting the set interpolation after saving - the resulting monochrome DNG was fine and contained the proper squares: this was purely a visual problem in the viewer.
o Adds option to Auto Save subsequent changes you make to the DNG. Note that every change you make will write a new DNG and never overwrite your previous result.

Release 1.5.1 at 28 May 2023
o Adds support for the Leica Q3 [this camera is only supported in the 64-bit version of DNGMonochrome].
o Adds support for the Sony A7R-IV [note: photos have to be converted to DNG first and this camera is only supported in the 64-bit version of DNGMonochrome].
o Fixes lens distortion info on some Sony cameras not being applied to the thumbnail image on subsequent saves.
o Fixes saving after applying noise reduction and color filtering, not respecting the set brightness / contrast (bottom sliders) and showing the neutral image - after the save - instead.
o Fixes zooming on mouse wheel not working on Windows 7.

Release 1.5.0 at 18 April 2023

This version is a bit of a break from 1.3.1 (hence the bigger jump in version number and these more general release notes).

Version 1.5.0 does not differentiate anymore between 'cooked' and 'precooked'.

The image DNGMonochrome now shows you default, is the fully developed DNG (as it would show when you import it in Lightroom on the default settings - the formerly 'cooked' presentation).

To get to the presentable version, the monochrome DNG data goes through several stages (note that this is just presentation, the original data saved as monochrome DNG - after interpolation - doesn't change).

o Linearization (where the data goes from 12- or 14-bit to 16-bit).
o Normalization (where the 16-bit value is downscaled to a value between 0.0 and 1.0).
o Applying the exposure ramp (basically curving the data, mainly in the shadows and darks, depending on the shadow scale, exposure compensation and some other properties, either default or given by the camera - the effect on my test photos is subtle but noticable).
o Applying a tone curve (this makes the dull image pop).
o Applying gamma correction 2.2 or 1.8 (to lift from really dark to viewable).
o Getting the normalized data back to 8-bit for presentation as 8-bit bitmap (single plane).

In the previous version I skipped all these steps, except the gamma correction. That gave me some speed and a presentable image. That's what I called 'precooked': flat and dull, but good enough for a quick impression. If you then switched to the 'cooked' preview, I let Adobe handle all the steps above.

But after digging a bit deeper into the Adobe code, I noticed they were missing out on a few optimizations. Then after realizing some speed gain, I took part of their code and combined it in the DNGMonochrome bitmap creation, so I could avoid a lot of extra looping and unnecessary image swapping. Eventually that led to DNGMonochrome 1.5.0, now showing you the 'cooked' presentation default, faster than 1.3.1.

Added new is the option to show a negative (seems useless to me, but it was an easy addition... besides, I believe that any piece of software should always contain at least one useless option).

And back from 0.9.8 is the gradient color filtering, which now works properly in combination with the interpolation squares.

However, the option to compensate for luminance loss - when color filtering - has disappeared. I implemented that option a while back, after a lot of internal debate with myself, doubting if it was smart, since any monochrome DNG is easily lifted in your RAW converter. Turns out it wasn't smart. It worked properly on some DNGs from some cameras, but there are too many cameras now supported that require additional math to have the compensation perform correctly. On the Canons for instance, the image gets overcompensated and turns too bright, due to a different linearization approach, where a part of the sensor is used to establish blacks and shadows. Simply lifting the RAW leads to trouble with those cameras. And since I don't have a quick fix (I guess some type of reverse linearization), better do without. You can easily compensate for luminance loss in your RAW converter (e.g. Lightroom etc.)

Also removed is the details slider in the noise reduction, which really didn't show a lot of the functionality it promised, mainly because the noise reduction is already quite subtle. Noise reduction itself has been improved to better look at the differences between 12, 14 and 16 bit RAWs.

Note that the brightness and contrast sliders at the bottom still work. They are reset though, when you start a new conversion, as to avoid panic and confusion. The changes you make with these sliders are NOT stored in your DNG. They are purely visual and have no effect on the underlying DNG-data. The histogram also does not react to them.

In addition, the 32-bit version has been optimized, mainly by using a different compiler, and is now faster too.

Release notes 1.5.0

o Changes the standard presentation to a fully developed photo, which is faster than similar in previous versions.
o Adds option to show the negative.
o Adds gradient color filtering (as last seen in version 0.9.83).
o Adds warning when closing DNGMonochrome with changes pending.
o Removes the option to compensate for luminance loss when color filtering.
o Removes the details slider in noise reduction.
o Fixes noise reduction (when set) not kicking in when zooming from 50% to 100%... this was designed behaviour, but didn't take into account the image shifting, due to the zoom action (zoom to mouse), exposing non-noise reduced areas.
o Fixes the noise reduction on 50% non-interpolated photos (when not color filtering) not saving.
o Changes the embedded thumbnail from 320px wide to 640px wide.
o When saving a DNG without lens correction (option is available on DNGs from some cameras), the embedded thumbnail will now also be saved uncorrected. In previous versions the lens correction was still applied to the thumbnail.
o Batch processing can now be cancelled.
o At request: adds support for the Sony A850 and Sony A900 [note: photos have to be converted to DNG first].
o At request: adds support for the Olympus OM-D E-M5 [note: photos have to be converted to DNG first].
o At special request: adds support for the Leica Q2M. For this camera DNGMonochrome provides the ability to save the already monochrome DNG without lens correction. No interpolation is performed. Color filtering, noise reduction and the interpolation squares can not be used on these DNGs.
o Adds support for the Pentax K-3 Mark III.
o Adds support for the Olympus OM-D E-M5 Mark II and Olympus OM-D E-M5 Mark III [note: photos have to be converted to DNG first].
o Slight improvement in memory use.
o Faster 32-bit version.

To be clear and to avoid any confusion: 1.5.0 writes exactly the same monochrome DNG as 1.3.1 did.

Release 1.3.1 at 28 March 2023
o Fixes Nikon D850 possibly producing too dark results. This camera uses a compression scheme (store 12-bit, expand to 14-bit) - at least on one of my test DNGs - which escaped my attention. Compression might be an in camera setting, since not all of my test DNGs use it.
o Adds an option in Settings to always process the linearization table if one is present in the DNG. Based on previous point, this might help process compressed DNGs that are not recognized by DNGMonochrome as being compressed. See the new paragraph on top of this page about compressed DNGs 'On compression' For the Nikon D850 this new setting isn't necessary anymore. Those DNGs are now processed correctly (compressed and uncompressed).

Release 1.3.0 at 26 March 2023
o Adds new interpolation algorithm (ACP-D). For more information see here.
o Adds support for the Pentax K-3 II.
o Adds support for the Pentax 645Z [this camera is only supported in the 64-bit version of DNGMonochrome].
o Fixes issue with the Sigma fp, producing a small dark band on the left and top in the 'no interpolation: resize to 50%...' option. Note that this band is not visible in DNGMonochrome, only when importing in e.g. Lightroom or viewing through Falaphol.
o Fixes changing gamma (with the top left dropdown) crashing the application in certain circumstances.
o Fixes color filtering (adding red or blue) in certain circumstances not responding to a change of the sliders.

Release 1.2.9 at 9 March 2023
o Adds support for the Sigma fp.
o Adds support for the Pentax K-1.
o Adds support for the Pentax K-1 Mark II [this camera is only supported in the 64-bit version of DNGMonochrome].
o Adds option in the 50% 'interpolation' to use the average between G1 and G2 (the second radio button). This option can soften up jagged edges and produces a slightly softer image (when viewing at 400% - 800% magnification).

Release 1.2.8 at 5 March 2023
o Adds support for the Ricoh GR III.
o Adds support for the Sigma fp L [this camera is only supported in the 64-bit version of DNGMonochrome].
o Adds setting (in 'Settings') to reset the 'cooked' and 'precooked' buttons back to 'precooked' when starting another conversion.
o Resetting sliders or buttons (if selected through 'Settings') will now only take place on a new photo conversion and not anymore on just selecting a different photo.
o Adds 'Update?' buttom in the main screen.

Release 1.2.7 at 15 January 2022
o Adds support for the Leica M11 [this camera is only supported in the 64-bit version of DNGMonochrome].
o Adds support for the Leica V-Lux 5 and Leica D-Lux 7 [note: these cameras - contrary to most Leicas - do not write DNG, so photos have to be converted to DNG first].

Release 1.2.6 at 23 April 2021
o Fixes a memory bug that could lead to undefined behaviour (possibly crashes).
o Adds support for the Nikon D300, Nikon D300S, Nikon D600, Nikon D610, Nikon D700, Nikon D750 and Nikon D780 [note: photos have to be converted to DNG first].
o Adds support for the Sony A1 [note: photos have to be converted to DNG first and this camera is only supported in the 64-bit version of DNGMonochrome].

Release 1.2.5 at 16 April 2021
o Adds a new interpolation algorithm 'Bicubic'. See here for more information.
o The directory tree will now remember the last folder selection.
o Adds support for the Nikon D4S and Nikon D810A [note: photos have to be converted to DNG first].
o Adds support for the Fujifilm X-T200 [note: photos have to be converted to DNG first].
o Adds support for the Fujifilm GFX 50R, Fujifilm GFX 50S, Fujifilm GFX 100 and Fujifilm GFX 100S [note: photos have to be converted to DNG first and these cameras are only supported in the 64-bit version of DNGMonochrome].

Release 1.2.2 at 9 April 2021
o Fixes bug in the building of the gamma tables. This bug could lead to white speckles in the viewer of DNGMonochrome, produced by values within the DNG that fell below the black level. These speckles were purely a visual issue, confined to DNGMonochrome, produced in the rendering from DNG to internal bitmap. The resulting monochrome DNG was fine and did not contain white speckles.
o Adds support for the Canon EOS 5D Mark IV (now for real) [note: photos have to be converted to DNG first].
o Adds support for the Canon EOS 250D, Canon EOS 70D, Canon EOS 80D, Canon EOS 90D and Canon EOS 7D Mark II [note: photos have to be converted to DNG first].
o Adds support for the Nikon D4, Nikon D5, Nikon D6 and Nikon D810 [note: photos have to be converted to DNG first].
o Adds support for the Nikon D850 [note: photos have to be converted to DNG first and this camera is only supported in the 64-bit version of DNGMonochrome].

Release 1.2.1 at 7 April 2021
o Fixes memory bug that could lead to crashes on the recently added Sony R cameras.
o Fixes bug in the regular noise reduction, introduced by previous version.

Release 1.2.0 at 6 April 2021
o Adds support for the Fujifilm X-T100 [note: photos have to be converted to DNG first].
o Adds support for the Sony A7S-II and A7S-III [note: photos have to be converted to DNG first].
o Noise reduction now also works on the 50% conversions.
o Adds option in Settings to reset all sliders (to zero) when selecting another photo.
o Improves handling of DNGs that are not supported or damaged.
o Accidentally added support for the Canon 5D Mark IV in one of the previous versions. This camera was not ready for release and was never announced as supported. The 5D Mark IV has some additional tricks in its DNG layout that cause major problems in DNGMonochrome, so the flawed support for this camera has been removed in this version.
o Fixes bug: when selecting the 50% option and then agreeing - after clicking 'Start working' - to save the changes of a previous full sized photo would result in a saved DNG that was damaged.

Release 1.1.0 at 2 April 2021
o Adds support for the Leica SL2-S.
o Adds support for the Sony A7R, A7R-II and A7R-III [note: photos have to be converted to DNG first and these newly added cameras are only supported in the 64-bit version of DNGMonochrome].
o Improves the option not to store lens correction information. The check mark didn't function as expected and would lead to correction information being stored anyway.
o Fixes rotated Sony photos not handling the interpolation squares correctly.
o Fixes rotated Sony photos not handling the visible square correctly. This could lead to jumping of a zoomed photo when applying noise correction.
o Changes the warning about lens correction for Sony cameras. For lens correction on Sony monochrome DNGs in Lightroom, you have to switch 'on' the correct lens profile in Lightroom. See the paragraph above 'A quick note on the Sony lens correction' for more information on this subject.
o Fixes Canon photos possibly crashing the application when converting with the 'resize to 50%' setting.
o Fixes the monochrome filename reflecting the wrong main interpolation algorithm after using interpolation squares with a different algorithm.

Release 1.0.2 at 17 October 2020
o Fixes a bug: update check was way too slow and could hang up DNGMonochrome for seconds if it was set to check for a new version at startup.

Release 1.0.1 at 16 October 2020
o Fixes a bug: when disconnecting a removable hard drive and then trying to access it in the directory tree, the application could crash.
o Fixes Full Screen mode: only worked through the right click menu and not on pressing F11.
o Fixes a ghosting issue: when zooming to larger the first time on a new conversion, the photo would briefly flash in the top left corner.
o Adds support for the Canon EOS 1D Mark II and Canon EOS 1D Mark III [note: photos have to be converted to DNG first].
o Adds support for the Nikon D1, Nikon D2X, Nikon D3 and Nikon D3X [note: photos have to be converted to DNG first].

Release 1.0.0 at 11 October 2020


BE AWARE: the 32-bit version of DNGMonochrome 1.0.0 and higher will overwrite the older version 0.9.83... if you want to get back to this older version, uninstall the newer version first. The 64-bit version is installed in a different folder and can run next to the old version.

DNGMonochrome 32-bit (version 0.9.83 beta) for Windows 7 / Vista [no longer supported]

... DNGMonochrome is freeware and does not contain adware or spyware...